News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
N95 Masks USELESS, Coronavirus Enters Body Through EYEBALLS, Warns Infected Doctor in Wuhan, China
N95 masks are useless against coronavirus. These masks don’t create a full facial seal, and a doctor in China is now warning that he contracted coronavirus by failing to wear a full face mask. Importantly most health care professionals shown in the media are wearing only N95-style masks which are pointless and don’t stop the […]
By Mike Adams
VACCINE BOMBSHELL as U.N. health experts admit toxic vaccine ingredients are harming children worldwide – see video, transcript
A Dec. 2, 2019 World Health Organization “Global Vaccine Safety Summit” video has been found and leaked to the world, revealing shocking admissions of the health hazards posed by vaccines and their toxic ingredients. A first-wave compilation of some of the more damning quotes was created by Del Bigtree’s “Highwire” organization, which posted the video […]
By Mike Adams
Staged Ebola pandemic being prepped for America, followed by mandatory Ebola vaccines using LIVE viral strains
An effort is under way right now to harvest Ebola-infected subjects from African nations, then transport them to the U.S. border and have them cross into the United States as “human weapons” who will unleash Ebola on U.S. soil. This is part of the globalist effort to bring down the United States of America and […]
By Mike Adams
Profile of a CIA-funded vaccine propagandist: Lena Sun at the Washington Post attacks natural health pioneers while pimping deadly vaccines
The Washington Post is a CIA front, owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of, who also built much of the CIA’s “private cloud” data processing infrastructure after winning a $600 million contract from the agency in 2013. In the years since, the Washington Post has functioned as pure propaganda, pushing fake “Russia hoax” news, smearing […]
By Mike Adams
New calls emerge for “anti-vaxxers” to be thrown in re-education camps while their children are kidnapped and their homes seized
If you disagree with the medical establishment’s lies about vaccines, you have no right to exist in society at all, say pro-vaccine authoritarian tyrants. In case you were wondering what the real plans are for people who oppose the quack science dogma of the vaccine industry and its child murdering vaccine advocates, look no further […]
By Mike Adams
Michelle Malkin rises above them all, demands “freedom to question vaccines,” even in the face of extreme medical tyranny and Big Tech censorship
You may have noticed over the last couple of years that many so-called “conservative” publishers have gone all in with the CDC and the vaccine propaganda industry. The Daily Caller, for example, has been caught pushing measles vaccine propaganda. Many other conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity — who otherwise achieve outstanding work […]
By Mike Adams
Shocking vaccine truth: Hundreds of cancer genes are deliberately engineered into the MMR vaccine to promote cancer for generations to come
A shocking new gene sequencing investigation has found that MMR vaccines are deliberately engineered to cause cancer as a repeat business model for Big Pharma, which manufactures vaccines and cancer treatment drugs for profit. MMR vaccines were found to contain the complete gene sequence of a specific human (aborted) baby whose genes were modified to […]
By Mike Adams
What Chernobyl and the vaccine industry have in common: The mass poisoning of humanity by complicit, dishonest government
The Chernobyl nuclear accident of 1986 bathed much of Europe in toxic, deadly radioactive isotopes. Yet the Soviet government covered it up, at first claiming no accident had taken place at all. Even after the government was fully informed of the horrifying scope of the disaster, they covered it up and ultimately condemned potentially millions […]
By Mike Adams
Bombshell Flashback: Merck FAKED mumps vaccine research, released faulty vaccine that didn’t work, say virologists in False Claims Act filing
With the deceptive “mainstream” media now running measles hysteria 24/7, you might be shocked to learn that the MMR vaccine doesn’t work as claimed. Even Reuters is now reporting that 10% of those infected with the measles were previously vaccinated against the measles. This stunning admission is found in an April 29 article from Reuters […]
By Mike Adams
The measles outbreak is a massive false flag; nearly all outbreaks are caused by infected migrants, not American children
“Think about how cold-blooded it is, that the bureaucrats and the UN and the globalists that control our government, opened our borders and told the entire Third World, filled with diseases, to pour into our nation,” reports Alex Jones in a bombshell new video called “The Measles Outbreak is a Giant False Flag and Hoax.” […]
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