News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Fight for Medical Freedom: Senator Doug Mastriano of Pennsylvania is fighting the CDC’s latest draconian mandate for Covid jabs placed on the childhood vaccine schedule
By far, the CDC is the most insidious organization on planet earth. Like never before, innocent people across the country are experiencing health trauma and early death due to gene-mutating-injections that have been wrongly termed and labeled as Covid-19 “vaccines.” Tens of millions of citizens have stood their ground and denied these horrific nano-clot-shots, but […]
By S.D. Wells
TOTAL RECALL: Will FDA recall mRNA vaccines now that millions are injured and dead, or does that logic only apply to contaminated food?
Pfizer-Gate is well under way in America, and rather than recalling all the mRNA “vaccines” that are injuring and killing hundreds of millions of Americans, the FDA and CDC are pushing for every child to get the deadly jabs instead. No recalls. No apologies. There should be a total recall of ALL mRNA jabs, now […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 ways the AMA, FDA and CDC bury NATURAL CURES
Modern medicine is mostly “dirty medicine” because the serious health risks far outweigh any benefits that come from its use. The allopathic world of pharmaceuticals and vaccines is filled with nightmarish “side effects” and “adverse events” that come from allergic reactions, overdoses (even when taken as directed), permanent injuries and death, unlike natural remedies that rarely […]
By S.D. Wells
Forget about science and safety, CDC Director Walensky dishes Covid advice based on what Americans “would tolerate”
Ask anyone who has received the deadly Covid “vaccines” and they will tell you they are totally pro-science, yet there is NO science behind the jabs to show they stop contraction, transmission or even severe cases of Covid. There is also NO science behind quarantines, lockdowns, masks or isolation, and now comes the admission from […]
By S.D. Wells
BABY MURDER REGIME: COVID jab injury overview reveals 82% of pregnant women vaccinated in the first or second trimester suffer spontaneous abortions
Welcome to the Orwellian death cult that pushes for vaccine-induced abortions and infertility right out in the open. The cabal of executives over at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are pushing social media style propaganda for Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) jabs with the same old dying slogan, “safe and effective,” which we’ve all […]
By S.D. Wells
CDC pursuing super-spreader international flight policy to keep the pandemic going, while Australia announces importation of vaccinated super-spreaders who are promised to infect everyone
The Australian government says they are purposely importing Covid via vaccinated people, but the CDC says only vaccinated people can fly to America so we can stop the spread of Covid, so which is it? The U.S. government claims to have lost their patience with “anti-vaxxers,” but when you hear that it’s actually vaccinated people […]
By S.D. Wells
Big Pharma now targeting the mentally ill with clot shots that WORSEN mental illness – nation’s leading mental health advocacy organizations applaud the abuse
Already knowing that Covid vaccines can worsen mental illnesses like schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder, nearly all major mental health advocacy organizations are literally applauding the CDC’s new target for clot shots – the mentally ill. Top executives from more than a dozen leading national organizations are all aboard for chasing down the mentally ill […]
By S.D. Wells
MISINFORMATION CENTRAL: Fake Denmark Study and its reviews suggest if you already beat Covid naturally you STILL need clot shots
In early 2020, from March to May, during the first surge of Covid, Denmark ran free-of-charge PCR tests on 70 percent of their population, about 4 million people, and used the warped data to craft estimates about SARS-CoV-2 repeat infection. Then, the researchers took statistics from those who tested positive the first round, in order […]
By S.D. Wells
CDC guidance for Chickenpox virus says if you contracted it already then NO NEED to get vaccinated… so why not with COVID?
With the risk of serious adverse events being so high from the experimental Covid vaccines, it would not be wise for people to get the China Flu jabs after they already caught Covid and have natural immunity against it. Not to mention the fact that the China Flu inoculations wipe out any anti-Covid, naturally-made antibodies […]
By S.D. Wells
CDC and FDA despise safe remedies for Covid-19, but Ohio judge orders highly effective anti-parasitic drug intervention despite all the regulatory agency lies and suppression
Judge Gregory Howard of Butler County, Ohio just showed the entire world there is sometimes still justice in medicine. Despite the CDC’s dire warnings about the anti-parasite drug that’s often used for animals, Judge Howard has decided to save Jeffrey Smith’s life, a man in the ICU at the West Chester Hospital who’s nearly lost […]
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